We took part in the competition by the chamber of commerce and industry.
Prease see works by our cooks.

Appetizer of bird and flower by Mr.Oh Roshu. |

Appetizer of sparrow nest by all of cooks. |

Appetizer of sparrow nest by all of cooks.
Dessert of vesetbales and fruits by Mr.Susumu Yamamoto.

Appetizer of butterfly by Mr.Chou Tokuwa.

Appetizer of scene of old chinese town by all of cooks.

Fly of chicken and green pepper by all of cooks.

Plate of seafood by Mr.Chou Tokuwa.

Golden soup of shanghai crap.

Plate of sea cucumber by all of cooks.

Spring of Dairen by Mr.Susumu Yamamoto and Mr.Sizuo Maruo.

Plate of cucumber and steamed shirum ball. |

Plate of steamed fish figured shrium ball. |
Appetizers |