It takes 10minutes from Akashi station and 20minutes from Igawadani station.
Available pick-up bus (available for 28 people ) to station or hotel or other place.
Require reservation for party menu before the day.
Please mail in English up to 4 days before the day if you can’t speak Japanese.

TENJIKU Himeji Imajyuku Himeji Tuchiyama7-8-16 TEL:079-297-2817
TENJIKU Himeji Kamiya Himeji Kamiyacyou2-25-1   TEL:079-288-9565
TENJIKU Kakogawa Noguchi Kakogawa Noguchicyou Noguchi71-2 TEL:079-425-3833
TENJIKU Nishi Akashi Akasahi Wasaka3-8-2 TEL:078-929-2522
TENJIKU Gyozabo Nishikobe Kobe Niahiku Ikawadanicyou Uruwa1156-3 TEL:078-977-0373