It takes 10 minutes from Himeji castle by car.
it takes 7 minutes from Himeji station.
Available pick-up bus to Himeji castle or station or hotel.
Require reservation fot party menu before the day.
(Please mail to us in English up to 4days before the day If you can't
speak Japanese.)
TENJIKU Himeji Imajyuku |
Himeji Tuchiyama7-8-16 |
TEL:079-297-2817 |
TENJIKU Himeji Kamiya |
Himeji Kamiyacyou2-25-1 |
TENJIKU Kakogawa Noguchi |
Kakogawa Noguchicyou Noguchi71-2 |
TEL:079-425-3833 |
TENJIKU Nishi Akashi |
Akasahi Wasaka3-8-2 |
TEL:078-929-2522 |
TENJIKU Gyozabo Nishikobe |
Kobe Niahiku Ikawadanicyou Uruwa1156-3 |
TEL:078-977-0373 |